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How to Pitch to Clients Online

Kate Waddon
December 8, 20212 mins lues

Your company has been invited to pitch to a new client, and you’ve agreed to deliver it. Firstly, congratulations: you and your company have clearly done the right things so far. Secondly: how do you make the right first impression? That first presentation online can feel daunting, especially if you’re used to building client rapport in person. However, there are plenty of techniques and tech that you can use to nail that all-important pitch.

You’ve already made a first impression…

Let’s start by reducing those “first impression” nerves: this is not their first impression of you. You’ve got as far as the pitch stage, so they are clearly familiar with your company and its work, and like what they have seen so far. This applies whether you’re part of a larger company or looking for freelance work.

To get to the next stage, you need to keep impressing. There are lots of advantages to online presentations when it comes to pitching. You’re not at the mercy of someone else’s tech for a start, and it’s easier to manage any signs of nerves. Your main focus is to create and rehearse a best-selling presentation – and that’s definitely something we can help with.

A person in a blue shirt talks to someone on a laptop while learning how to pitch to clients.
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Creating that first presentation

When you’re preparing a virtual pitch, put content before the presentation. Work out what you need to say, then work out the best way to say it. You may be super-efficient and already have a company pitch deck in place. Don’t use it. A potential client will be more impressed by a tailored presentation that shows how exactly you can help them (you can still reuse bits of it, of course).

Make sure you read the brief. What information has the client asked for? Be sure you answer all their points, then add the extra wows that you’d like them to know. When this is all gathered, think about how to present it. Moodboard, animation, mostly talking, portfolio, PowerPoint (don’t knock it), YouTube video? There are a lot of options. Pick something you feel at home with so your confidence shines through. When it’s time to pull it all together, download VideoCom Presenter. This versatile software helps you balance your images or film with your webcam and a virtual green screen.

How to pitch to clients: planning tips

With your presentation written, it’s time to do a bit of extra work to make sure it all works smoothly.

  • Plan your presentation to make sure you know your cues for screen sharing, any demonstrations, time for questions, and so on (VideoCom Presenter will help you organize your timings and transitions).
  • Test your tech. So many meetings live or die on whether the technology is set up.
  • Clear your screen. Check what you’re sharing and what you don’t want to share. If you have notes, they can appear on screen with you in XSplit Presenter but only be seen by you.
  • What’s behind you? Download VCam by XSplit to blur out your background or use the built-in background removal in Presenter.
  • Practice, practice, practice – just like a live pitch. You can pre-record your pitch to clients and watch it back!
  • Follow up with an email thanking the potential clients and sending them any relevant information. This helps to keep you in their minds.

All set? Your professional presentation is sure to impress your new clients. Find out why you should do video prospecting to reach new prospects

Kate Waddon

Kate is a freelance content creator and a working-from-home veteran of over 12 years. When not researching and writing, she's to be found on her local beaches (in all weathers) with her kids.Plus de cet auteur