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How to Run a Charity Stream: Using Your Channel for Good

Tyler Larson
December 15, 20212 mins lues

Whether it happens to be around the holidays, a significant event, or just because you feel inspired, using your channel can be a great way to raise money for causes you care about. Charity streaming has been a mainstay of fundraising efforts for a while now with some great results. Aside from the benefit of raising money it can also be a great way to inspire your community in general. Here are our top tips on how to set up a charity stream and how to run a charity stream!

How to run a charity stream, getting set up right!

You want your charity stream to feel special to your viewers, it is important to prepare well. If it’s your first time, we recommend you check out some more seasoned streamers to see if they do anything that inspires you. Before you start moving your own plans forward, make sure you’ve got all the details locked down. Deciding on the charity you’ll support, setting your financial goal, and figuring out how you’ll take donations are all things that need to be settled. On that last point, it’s highly recommended if you’re relatively new to the streaming game that you use an established donation platform like JustGiving, Extra Life, or Tiltify. Partnering up with one of these will help people donate with confidence.

Another important consideration is the length of the stream. Most charity streams are significantly longer than a creator’s normal stream, but it’s important to know your limits. Don’t commit to a 16-hour stream if you’re not going to be able to manage it or fill the time. 8-10 hours is more typical. 24 hour streams might seem like a good idea but can be bad for your health. They’re best avoided unless you’re very prepared.

Two people sat a desk streaming a video game on a stage knowing how to run a charity stream.
Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Create visual elements to engage and inform

Adding visual elements is next in finding out how to run a charity stream! Just as you acknowledge your viewers when they donate and subscribe to your stream, so you should when they donate to your charity. The best way to do this is to set up notifications for donations, and a fundraising ‘thermometer’ to track your progress. Many of the platforms mentioned have features you can use, but they can lack customization. XSplit Broadcaster has built-in widgets for JustGiving and Extra Life. You can tweak size, colour, and other aspects to match your own channel’s design. To access them, just head to the Plugin Store which is found under the ‘Tools’ menu on the main Broadcaster screen.

Bring some friends

Because it is likely that your charity stream is going to be longer than your normal streams, you’ll probably need to mix up the content a little bit to keep viewers engaged and entertained. A great way to help with this is to invite some of your friends to join you to help break things up. This could be in-game, to chat between sessions, or perhaps by allowing them to demonstrate a unique talent. Whatever you decide, remember to test how you’re going to bring them in before you start. This saves you time trying to troubleshoot while you’re live. 

Charity streams are a great way to reach new viewers and try something new, all for a good cause. We hope this helped you find out how to run a charity stream! Need some help figuring out how to schedule a stream that’s a little different from the usual? Check out our guide on deciding when to stream for some useful tips.

Tyler Larson

Tyler is a video industry veteran and livestreaming consultant. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, coaching sports, and futilely trying to play through every game in his Steam library.Plus de cet auteur